Hello. Good-bye.

June 10, 2010

We are back from our fabulous vacation. One week in London and two weeks in Italy.

And while on vay-kay, I took stock. Of where I am in life and where I want to get. It’s not so much that I brooded over capuccinos feeling philosophical. It’s more that on this vacation I had a real sense of freedom and possibilities. And “me” ness to my life. Which made me think about why I don’t feel that degree of freedom and possibilities “at home.” Because I’ve created so many obligations and distractions that are not on point! There is so much I want to do and I’ve started slipping on a slope of letting the lesser important things that are more seemingly urgent take precedence over things that are less urgent but ultimately much, much more important. I committed to myself to not let any more weeks and months (and years perhaps) slip by that way, with me so distracted by busy-ness that is not at the heart of who I want to be.

I looked at all the ways I spend my days and reworked things so that I will be able to stay true to me, focused, not just busy.

I currently have four blogs and that is just c.r.a.z.y. I’m dropping this one, my day to day thoughts, and my fitness blog as I’ve decided to write a book about my year ahead. Yes, a book!

I will keep my art blog and my photography blog because those two are helping me build my career as an artist & photographer.

By cutting back on some of my extra curricular obligations I will have more time to focus on these, my goals and priorities.

Fitness & health.

Art & photography.

Family & friends.

If you’d like to follow me, I invite you to check in:

http://www.charlenecollinsfreeman.com (art blog)

http://www.fstopmoments.com/ (photography blog)

And or friend me on Facebook. And if you want to contact me about my book and or your fitness and health goals, I’d love to hear from you.

I wish you all well.




May your dreams come true.

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